In-Line Balanced Pressure Systems
In-Line Balanced Pressure Systems
In-Line Balanced Pressure (ILBP) Proportioning Systems allow the selection of either foam or water for every discharge device within the foam system. Monitor or nozzle systems can be switched between foam and water discharge or shut down completely without affecting the accurate proportioning of the other discharge streams.
The ILBP Proportioning System consists of two main groups of components. The first group is the proportioning modules, which control the actual proportioning of the foam concentrate into the water stream. The second group is the pump system, which supplies foam concentrate under pressure to the proportioners.
The In-Line Balanced Pressure Proportioning Module is used in ILBP Proportioning Systems to provide accurate proportioning at multiple locations remote from the foam concentrate pump system and storage tank. ILBP modules are available in wafer, threaded, or flange style with an integral check valve available on the wafer and threaded-style modules.
Pressure Sustaining Valves are utilized within an ILBP Proportioning System to maintain a preset foam concentrate discharge pressure to the remotely installed ILBP module(s) automatically.
Pressure Reducing Diaphragm Valves are in-line balanced pressure regulating devices designed to balance the foam concentrate pressure to the water pressure at the ratio controller inlet.
Foam Concentrate Jockey Pumps are utilized in ILBP Proportioning Systems to maintain pressure in the foam concentrate discharge line that feeds the remotely installed ILBP module(s). These pumps help meet NFPA requirements for foam concentrate piping in underground installations or above-ground installations with long pipe runs.
Please refer to the product datasheets and technical bulletins for more detailed information